Sunday Worship
Our Sunday 9:30am worship service makes use of a variety of music and modern liturgies. We strive to use inclusive language and gender neutral language for God. We invite you to join us!
Saturday Table
Every third Saturday of the month at noon St. Stephen’s parishioners host a hot meal for those in our wider community desiring food or community. Members of Occidental Laguna Sangha host at St. Stephen’s when there is a 5th Saturday in the month.
Godly Play
During the 9:30am service each Sunday, children ages 3 to 12 are invited to attend “Godly Play.” This Montessori based curriculum communicates Biblical stories, parables and Christian tradition through story, wonder, and play. Nurturing spiritual lives by honoring the centrality, competency, and capacity of children.
Centering Prayer
On Mondays at 9:30am during the Lent and Easter seasons in the sanctuary.
Centering Prayer is the practice of opening our deep selves to the presence of God through silence. It is a discipline found in most religious traditions, but has a long history among Christians. We begin with a short reading or reflection before we enter into silence. This is a way to let God come to you through your subconscious, to discover the particular truth that God has planted in your soul. -
Under the leadership of our minister of music, Miles McKenzie, the St. Stephen’s choir helps lead worship every Sunday. They rehearse Wednesday evenings. All are welcome to join. No prior musical experience is required.
Adult Formation
Throughout the year we offer a variety of opportunities to grow in faith and understanding of our tradtion. Past formation has included night-time prayer walks, post-worship “Sunday Shares,” and adult classes with soup suppers. In the past, we have read and discussed books such as Phyllis Tickle’s The Great Emergence and Marcus Borg’s The Heart of Christianity.
The Inter-Church Food Pantry
The pantry provides emergency food to people living in the greater Sebastopol area. It is located at the head of the St. Stephen’s parking lot and is operated by a group of Sebastopol churches. St. Stephen’s members take part by contributing food, serving on the board and volunteering at the pantry. The Pantry is open every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 10:00am to Noon. 707-823-2483
Friends of the Garden
This group consists of parishioners and of community members who love and care for our land. They usually meet on Thursday mornings to weed, trim, mulch, etc. All are welcome!
The Playground
The Playground is a vision of church as a playground café—a place where children, parents, and other adults might come to play, to be nourished, to build community, to engage in deep conversation, and to journey together across our spiritual diversity. Learn More