Joyful worship.
Open hearts.
Commitment to community.
Service in love.
We welcome individuals of every race, nationality, gender, age, ability, sexual orientation, and economic circumstance to participate fully in the life of the church as we seek to respond to God’s call to be a people of compassion and love.
We welcome you!
In worship.
Our Sunday Eucharistic service at 9:30am - indoors in wet months and outdoors in Summer. Our services are live streamed to Facebook. We are a liturgically creative congregation, drawing from a wide variety of worship and music resources.
On our land.
Come explore. Walk the labyrinth. Reflect in the Outdoor Sacred Space. Play in the play area. See what’s flowering and fruiting. Donate or receive food from the food pantry.
In community.
At its heart, church is about gathering, transforming, and sending us back out into the world to make it more into the world God dreams- a world of justice, peace, plenty, and love. We seek to build community by nurturing authentic relationships.
We are an Episcopal Church
A progressive Christian community with a Biblical faith and traditions that draw upon both Roman Catholic and Protestant history. We combine the beauty and mystery of sacramental worship with intellectual engagement and openness to theological inquiry. We draw upon a deep and rich heritage of music and liturgy in our worship and spiritual life.
Join us!
Join us in worship. Come explore our land. Walk the labyrinth. Play in the play area. Reflect in the Outdoor Sacred Space. See what’s flowering and fruiting. Bring or receive food from the food pantry.
Land Statement
Beloved community, the people of St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church welcome you. The land the church stands on is part of the ancestral homelands of the Southern Pomo and Coast Miwok peoples.
We acknowledge the sacredness of the Earth, the land, the air, the water, living creatures and all of creation. May each breath we take remind us of the blessing of this life, as well as the profound kinship we share with all creation. As we begin to restore our relationship to the land, the earth recovers and re-awakens. As we tend to the land, the land tends to us.
May your experience on this land be a blessing to you.
All are welcome here. This is sacred ground.